
VULNERABLE women & girls

Together, we can break down barriers, ignite change, and empower women and girls to live their fullest, most empowered lives- Fadaka Adetu


Thank you for visiting this website. I am sure you will find the information here useful and impactful. At Fadaka Olufunke Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of empowerment. Our mission is to uplift and support vulnerable women and girls, providing them with the tools, resources, and community they need to thrive.
In a world where many women and girls face systemic barriers, discrimination, and violence, we serve as a beacon of hope and solidarity to many women and girls. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower women and girls to reclaim their voices, realize their potential, and create positive change in their lives and communities. Whether you're seeking support, inspiration, or opportunities for growth, you've come to the right place. Let's work together to build a brighter, more inclusive future for all women and girls.

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About Me

Child pregnancy and labour, involving girls under the age of 18, present substantial health risks and complexities for both the young mothers and their newborns, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive support and care.

Do you know that there are many girls in Africa being sexually molested and abused? Some of the little children sometimes end up with pregnancy and a child afterwards that changes the cause of their lives entirely. If we do not speak and stand up for them, who will? Join us to fight for and protect vulnerable girl-child in Africa. Find out how you can be of help


As part of our commitment every month, we visit schools across Africa to deliver sexual health training and awareness to teenage girls in secondary schools. We also give out menstruation pads to young girls who are unable to afford to buy one. The result and impact have been truly mind-blowing. Find out how you can work with us to make a difference.

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